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Choosing Between Medigap Plan F & Medigap Plan A

Christian Worstell

by Christian Worstell | Published October 17, 2023 | Reviewed by John Krahnert

Medigap Plan F and Medigap Plan A are both designed to cover some of Original Medicare's out-of-pocket costs. However, Medigap Plan F provides a more comprehensive set of benefits than Medigap Plan A does. Refer to the chart below to see how the two plans compare.

Important: Plan F and Plan C are not available to beneficiaries who became eligible for Medicare on or after January 1, 2020.

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Medicare Supplement Benefits

Part A coinsurance and hospital coverage

Part B coinsurance or copayment

Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment

First 3 pints of blood

Skilled nursing facility coinsurance

Part A deductible

Part B deductible

Part B excess charges

Foreign travel emergency

Medicare Supplement Benefits A B C* D F1* G1 K2 L3 M N4
Part A coinsurance and hospital coverage
Part B coinsurance or copayment 50% 75%
Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment 50% 75%
First 3 pints of blood 50% 75%
Skilled nursing facility coinsurance 50% 75%
Part A deductible 50% 75% 50%
Part B deductible
Part B excess charges
Foreign travel emergency 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80%

* Plan F and Plan C are not available to Medicare beneficiaries who became eligible for Medicare on or after January 1, 2020. If you became eligible for Medicare before 2020, you may still be able to enroll in Plan F or Plan C as long as they are available in your area.

Plan A Coverage

Medigap Plan A is the most basic of the 10 standardized plans. It includes coverage only for the four basic benefits that all Medigap plans must require. Still, Plan A can still offer considerable savings.

An extended hospitalization can get expensive with Medicare Part A. Medigap Plan A covers your hospital coinsurance costs completely for an additional 365 days once your Part A benefits are used up.

Plan A also covers your Part B coinsurance, which is 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for medical services. If you make frequent trips to the doctor, these costs can add up, too.

Plan A also offers coverage for Part A hospice care and for the first three pints of blood if you need a transfusion.

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Plan F Coverage

Medigap Plan F is the most popular form of Medigap insurance. It is the only plan that covers all nine benefit areas. In addition to the four basic benefits, it offers all five additional benefits, including:

  • Medicare Part A deductible
  • Medicare Part B deductible
  • Medicare Part B excess charges
  • Skilled nursing care
  • Foreign travel emergency care

If you travel abroad, see a provider who doesn't accept Medicare assignment, or simply want to eliminate most out-of-pocket costs, Plan F may be a good fit. Keep in mind while Medigap Plan F offers the most comprehensive coverage, it may be more expensive than others plans.*

*It's important to note that Medigap premium costs can vary greatly by location.

Other Medigap Plans

Each of the 10 standardized Medigap plans available in most states* are designed to help those with Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) pay for up to nine out-of-pocket expenses they may encounter.

No matter which Medigap plan you enroll in, you are guaranteed to have at least partial coverage for the following:

  • Part A hospital care coinsurance and hospital costs
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
  • Part B coinsurance or copayment
  • First 3 pints of blood

There are five additional benefits that may or may not be covered – either partially or in full — by each of the plans.

*Massachusetts, Minnesota and Wisconsin have different Medigap plan options.

Find Medigap Plans Near You

When deciding between Medigap Plan F vs. Plan A, you may find it helpful to discuss your options with a licensed insurance agent. They can help you decide which plan is right for your needs, and they can help you decide the best time to enroll in a policy.

Call 1-800-995-4219 today to compare free Medigap plan quotes and to learn more about your coverage options.




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