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Medicare Supplement Plan D

Christian Worstell

by Christian Worstell | Published December 15, 2023 | Reviewed by John Krahnert

Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan D provides coverage for some of Medicare's out-of-pocket costs, such as deductibles, copayments and coinsurance.

Learn more about Medigap Plan D below.

How Medigap Plan D Helps Curb Costs

Medigap Plan D provides coverage for several of Medicare's out-of-pocket costs, including:

  • Medicare Part A coinsurance and hospital costs up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are exhausted
    Part A coinsurance can cost $408 per day for days 61-90 of a benefit period and $816 per day thereafter (in 2024).  

  • Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayment
    Part B coinsurance can be up to 20 percent of the Medicare-approved amount for most doctor services.  

  • First three pints of blood
    Medicare helps pay for the cost of blood if you need a transfusion, but only after the first three pints you receive. You are typically responsible for the cost of the first three pints. 

  • Medicare Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
    Hospice care copayments are around $5 for prescription drugs and 5 percent of the Medicare-approved amount for inpatient respite care. 

  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
    Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance cost $204 per day for days 21 through 100 of a benefit period in 2024. 

  • Medicare Part A deductible
    The Part A deductible was $1,632 for each benefit period in 2024. 

  • 80% of foreign travel emergency care (up to plan limits)

Medigap Plan D does not cover your Medicare Part B deductible or Part B excess charges.

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What Are the Other Nine Medigap Plans?

If Medigap Plan D does not provide the benefits you want, you may have up to nine other Medigap plans to choose from.

The basic benefits of the 10 types of standardized Medigap plans available in most states are outlined below to help you compare.

Note: Do not confuse Medigap Plans A, B, C and D with Medicare Parts A, B, C and D.

Medicare Part D vs. Medigap Plan D

Medigap Plan D is not the same as Medicare Part D.

Medicare Part D is a collection of prescription drug plans, while Medigap Plan D (or Medicare Supplement Plan D) is a plan that covers some of Medicare's out-of-pocket expenses. 

If you want to find Medicare prescription drug coverage, you can compare Part D plans available where you live and enroll in a Medicare prescription drug plan online when you visit

Enrolling in Medicare Supplement Plan D

In most states, you are eligible for a Medigap policy when you are at least 65 years old and enrolled in Medicare Part B.

The best time to enroll in a Medigap plan is during your six-month Medigap open enrollment period.

  • By law, insurance companies cannot use medical underwriting to determine your coverage eligibility if you enroll during this time.

  • Failing to enroll during your open enrollment period, however, could result in a higher premium or denial of your application based on your health history.

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Understanding Original Medicare's Coverage Gaps

Original Medicare is the federal health insurance program for Americans 65 years and older and younger people with certain medical conditions or disabilities. Original Medicare consists of two parts:

Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) covers:

  • Hospital care

  • Skilled nursing family care

  • Nursing home care

  • Home health services

  • Hospice care

Medicare Part B (medical insurance) covers services that are "medically necessary" or prevent illness:

  • Visits to your doctor

  • Surgery

  • Lab tests

  • Durable medical equipment

Even as comprehensive as Original Medicare coverage is, however, it leaves numerous costs to the recipient.

A licensed agent can help you better understand your Medigap options, including which plans are available in your area. 

Call today to speak with a licensed agent who can answer questions and help you compare Medigap plans in your area.

For example, each of the 10 standardized Medigap plans that are available in most states provide at least partial coverage for the Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayments you might face when you receive covered outpatient treatments.

A licensed agent can help you decide on a Medicare option that works for you. Call today to speak with a licensed agent and compare the Medigap plans that are available where you live.


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Christian Worstell is a health care and policy writer for He has written hundreds of articles helping people better understand their Medicare coverage options.

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