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Does Medicare Cover Dermatology Services?

Christian Worstell

by Christian Worstell | Published October 26, 2023 | Reviewed by John Krahnert

Treatment from a dermatologist may be covered by Medicare Part B, as long as the treatment is deemed medically necessary. 

Before you pay them a visit though, make sure you understand exactly what's covered by Part B and what your share of the costs could be. 

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Part B Coverage of Dermatology Services

Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers doctor visits and services of two kinds:

  • Those that are deemed medically necessary to evaluate, diagnose or treat a medical condition
  • Some preventive services

Will Medicare Pay for Skin Tag Removal?

No. The following services are not covered by Medicare:

  • Cosmetic issues, such as skin tag removal, wrinkle treatment, routine skin care and scarring
  • Skin cancer screenings in asymptomatic people1

While some of these may seem like disease-preventing measures, they don't meet certain criteria for preventive services by Medicare's definition.

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What Will Medicare Pay?

If you haven't already, you'll have to meet your annual Part B deductible ($240 in 2024) before Medicare will pay its share of approved services.

Once you've met your deductible and your treatment is deemed medically necessary by your doctor, Medicare will likely cover 80 percent of the approved treatment amount. You are responsible for paying the remaining 20 percent (known as your Part B coinsurance).

Does Your Doctor Accept Assignment?

If your dermatologist accepts Medicare assignment, it means they've agreed to accept the Medicare-approved amount as full payment for covered services. If they don't accept assignment, you could end up paying more out of pocket.

The best way to know whether Medicare will cover your dermatology service is to talk with your doctor and confirm. Before you seek treatment, ask for a written quote of what your visit will cost, and whether your doctor accepts assignment.


Medicare Supplement Insurance can help cover your out-of-pocket dermatology costs.

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Resource Center

Medicare Preventive Benefits

As a Medicare beneficiary, you may be eligible for a range of preventive health services. Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) provides coverage for the following. Read more
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