This curated list of more than 400 women's health resources includes only the most reputable organizations. You can browse this list at the national level by health condition or by clicking on each state.

Did You Know: International Women's Day is March 8. National Women's Health Week is May 14 - 20. For more information about ways to get involved, visit International Day of Action for Women's Health is May 28th. For more information, visit
Browse by Health Condition
[>] Click the links below to jump to each section.- General Health
- Heart Disease
- Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Stroke
- COPD and Lung Disease
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Osteoporosis
- Unintentional Injuries
- Sexual & Reproductive Health
- Pregnancy
- Violence Against Women
- Menopause
- Mental Health
- Physical Activity and Nutrition
- Tobacco and Substance Abuse
- Immunization
- End of Life Care
- Patient Assistance
Browse Resources by State
[>] Click the state below to jump to the appropriate section.This curated list of more than 400 women’s health resources includes only the most reputable organizations. You can browse this list at the national level by health condition or by clicking on each state.
National Organizations
This site provides information on a wide range of women’s health issues and offers an extensive online collection of resources on women’s health.
National Women’s Health Network
The NWHN conducts and promotes critical analyses of health issues in order to shape health policy to reflect the diverse needs of all women. They offer a weekly Q&A, factsheets, e-alerts, and other women’s health related resources.
Mayo Clinic: Women’s Health
The Mayo Clinic provides patient care and health information from more than 3,300 physicians, scientists, and researchers. The information is accessible and categorized by different health topics, including diseases and health conditions, tests and procedures and drugs and supplements.
National Institutes of Health: Women’s Health
The NIH is a medical research agency made up of 27 Institutes and health centers. It provides health information related to specific health topics, diseases and body systems.
MedlinePlus: Women’s Health
The National Institutes of Health’s patient-friendly website offering information about disease, conditions, and wellness issues that are unique to women.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health:
Online access to a variety of government publications on women’s health and general health topics.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration: For Consumers — For Women
Offers free publications and addresses a wide range of women’s health topics, including pregnancy, breast implants, heart health and menopause.
Society for Women’s Health Research
Society for Women’s Health Research is a national nonprofit based in Washington D.C. that’s dedicated to promoting and advancing women’s health research and the study of sex differences in disease, advocacy and education.
Our Bodies, Ourselves
Our Bodies Ourselves (OBOS) is a nonprofit, public interest organization that develops and promotes evidence-based information on women’s reproductive health and sexuality.
Health Insurance Coverage
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, HHS
Part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the CMS is responsible for administering Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Your Medicare Coverage: Is my test, item, or service covered? enables you to search their database for health care supplies and services covered by Medicare. Descriptions explain coverage limits, eligibility requirements, rules for receiving services, and associated costs.
By Condition/Disease
Heart Disease
American Heart Association — Go Red For Women
Learn more about heart disease in women and how you can get involved in your community.
WISEWOMAN (Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for WOMen Across the Nation) is a program that helps educate women about their risk for heart disease and stroke, and provides services to reduce their risk and cultivate lasting heart-healthy lifestyles.
The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease.
Women’s Heart Foundation
Learn about your personal risk for heart disease and sign up for their e-newsletter to receive heart related news, expert advice, recipes, upcoming events and more.
Million Hearts, HHS
National initiative, established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, whose mission is to accelerate efforts and implement policies aimed at cardiovascular disease prevention.
Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, CDC
CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention works to improve cardiovascular health by funding research and programs, and partnering with a wide collective of resources to apply public health strategies.
American Cancer Society
ACS researches cancer and its causes, fights for policy changes, and provides support to people all over the country who have been touched by cancer. Women can find guidelines for breast cancer early detection and screening.
National Cancer Institute
Offers guidelines for early detection and screening and support for all types of cancer patients. Find information on breast cancer screening and use the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment tool.
Foundation for Women’s Cancer
The Foundation for Women’s Cancer is a nonprofit organization that provides funding for gynecologic cancer research and training, as well as educational programs and resources.
CancerCare is a nonprofit that offers free support and resources for cancer patients and their caregivers.
Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer
Non-profit organization involved in the development of programs of support for people with oral and head and neck cancer. Find supportive care, cancer centers, medical guides and resources.
Skin Cancer Foundation
International organization devoted to educating the public and the medical profession about skin cancer, its prevention by means of sun protection, the need for early detection, and prompt, effective treatment.
Imerman Angels
Your one-on-one cancer support community. Offers online support programs for women living with cancer and their caregivers.
Breast Cancer
National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)
Find information on risk-lowering options and breast cancer screening guidelines for people who have a higher risk of breast cancer.
National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Find information on free and low-cost mammograms.
Susan G. Komen
Non-profit breast cancer movement that provides funding for research, real-time help to those fighting the disease, community health outreach, advocacy, and educational programs worldwide.
Breast Cancer Trials
Non-profit website exclusively dedicated to breast cancer. Search for clinical trials on risk reduction, early detection, and gene mutations for healthy women and women at high risk of breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Freebies
Free resources for people with breast cancer.
Non-profit dedicated to the research and support of women with Metastatic (Stage 4) Breast Cancer. Find support groups and programs, clinical trials, and public awareness campaigns all over the country.
Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE)
Find information and online support for people at higher risk of breast cancer due to family history or inherited gene mutations.
American Stroke Association
The American Stroke Association is a voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. Learn how to spot the signs of a stroke, minimize your risk, and find treatment and key recovery information.
COPD and Lung Disease
Pulmonary Hypertension Association
Non-profit organization providing patient services and education to the PH community with newsletters, brochures, telephone helplines and over 200 support groups. Find outreach programs at the local and national level.
Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Association
Alzheimer’s Association works on a global, national and local level to provide care and support for those affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Find a local chapter near you.
Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral Center (ADEAR)
The Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral Center provides information and publications for families, caregivers, and professionals on diagnosis, treatment, patient care, caregiver needs, long-term care, education and training, and research related to Alzheimer’s disease. See Alzheimer’s Disease Fact Sheet [PDF file].
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA)
The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America unites more than 2,600 organizations to assure quality of care and excellence in service to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related illnesses, and to their caregivers and families.
Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation
Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation provides early support for innovative ideas and funding for clinical trials of drugs that prevent, treat and cure Alzheimer’s disease.
BrightFocus Foundation
BrightFocus Foundation is a non-profit organization driving Alzheimer’s research nationwide. Find information about Alzheimer’s risk factors, preventative lifestyles, available treatments and coping strategies.
Cognitive Vitality
Expert neuroscientists rate food, drink, drugs, vitamins and supplements to empower people to protect their aging brains.
Measure Up Pressure Down
Measure Up Pressure Down is a campaign dedicated to improving blood pressure control and achieving lasting improvements for patient health, stakeholder productivity, and cost savings.
American Diabetes Association
Leading the fight against diabetes by funding research, delivering services to those affected by it, and providing education and resources to the diabetic community.
Women and Diabetes, FDA
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration offers resources for tips to help you manage your diabetes and learn more about treatment options for women.
Diabetes Program, CDC
Learn more about diabetes (and prediabetes) and how to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes, find state and local programs, and keep informed about the latest publications and reports.
Mayo Clinic – Diabetes
Find in-depth answers to all your chronic diabetes questions, check out their expert blog about living with diabetes, and find a local support group near you.
National Diabetes Education Program
The National Diabetes Education Program offers a comprehensive collection of clinical practice tools and patient education resources for those susceptible to and living with diabetes. Browse resources to find information about risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment, prevention, and community organizations.
American Association of Diabetes Educators
Find an accredited diabetes education program in your area.
DiabetesSisters is a blog, turned nonprofit, that offers educational content and support services to women with diabetes so that they can live healthier and fuller lives.
National Osteoporosis Foundation
The National Osteoporosis Foundation is dedicated to preventing osteoporosis and promoting strong healthy bones through education, advocacy and research. Find an osteoporosis support group near you, ask questions and share information about osteoporosis and bone health.
American Bone Health
American Bone Health educates and empowers people to make bone healthy choices.
Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center
Provides patients, health professionals, and the public with important resources and information on the prevention, early detection, and treatment of osteoporosis and related bone diseases.
The National Coalition for Osteoporosis and Related Bone Disease
Provides information regarding where research funding is currently being spent.
Foundation for Movement Intelligence
The Foundation for Movement Intelligence’s Bones for Life program is an experimental training concerned with safety, and the autonomous mastery of posture and movement in order to protect vulnerable joints from injury.
Unintentional Injuries
Injury Prevention and Control, CDC
The CDC focuses on home and recreational safety to help you reduce your risk of injuring yourself. Learn more about causes of injuries and injury deaths in older adults and how to prevent them.
Falls Prevention, NCOA
The NCOA Falls Prevention works to keep older adults active and safe through evidence-based falls prevention programs. Find out how to connect with a community-based fall prevention program in your state.
Sexual & Reproductive Health
American Sexual Health Association (ASHA)
The American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) is a source of information for sexual health and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and disease.
American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
The ACOG is an authority on issues related to obstetrics and gynecology. Their website provides patient-friendly information from leading experts in women’s health care and an OB/GYN directory.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)
Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization that provides sexual and reproductive health education and services to millions of people worldwide. You can access an array of sexual and reproductive health information, resources, and services online, or find a Planned Parenthood health center near you.
(HERS) Foundation
Hysterectomy Educational Resources and Services.
Bedsider is an online birth control support network for women. Learn about birth control options, where to get it, and how to compare various different methods.
The Emergency Contraception Website
Find information and resources about emergency contraception, its correct use, effectiveness and potential side effects.
RH Reality Check
Rewire, of RH Reality Check, is a publication that provides evidence-based news, commentary and analysis on sexual and reproductive health and justice issues — meant to empower people to protect their sexual and reproductive health rights.
Reproductive Health Technologies Project (RHTP)
The Reproductive Health Technologies Project (RHTP) pursues an education, research, and advocacy reproductive health agenda and offers information on abortion, contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and fertility.
Global Campaign for Microbicides (GCM)
The GCM works to improve standards for and ensure access to new and existing HIV-prevention options—especially for women.
HIV and Women’s Health
If you are a women living with HIV, learn more about the physical changes you may experience, different side effects from medicines you may experience, and the health concerns you may face as you age.
Daily Food Plan for Moms, USDA
The USDA provides special nutritional advice designed to help you and your baby stay healthy during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
You’re Pregnant: Now What?, DHHS
Find a wealth of information about pregnancy, including the stages of pregnancy, prenatal care and tests, eating for two and possible complications.
During Pregnancy Library, March of Dimes Foundation
Find articles for staying safe and healthy during pregnancy. Resources and topics cover everything from caffeine and cravings to vitamins and weight gain.
Patient Education FAQs, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Find videos, factsheets, and questions and answers on topics that include a healthy pregnancy for women with diabetes, exercise during pregnancy, and morning sickness.
American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) is the professional association that represents certified nurse-midwives and midwives in the U.S. Founded in 1929, ACNM is the oldest women’s health care organization in the United States.
Citizens for Midwifery
Citizens for Midwifery is a non-profit, volunteer, grassroots organization. Founded by several mothers in 1996, it is the only national consumer-based group promoting the Midwives Model of Care.
Midwives Alliance of North America
Discover professional resources for midwives including national events, independent healthcare research, and membership opportunities.
DONA International
DONA is the leading organization in evidence-based doula training, certification and continuing education.
La Leche League International
Their mission is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education.
Their site was developed to provide evidence-based information on breastfeeding and parenting. The KellyMom community includes both this website and social media outlets.
Violence Against Women
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network – RAINN
RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. It offers free, confidential hotline services around the clock.
The North American Menopause Society
Leading nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the health and quality of life for all women during midlife and beyond, through an understanding of menopause.
NCCIH – Menopausal Symptoms: In Depth
Education about menopausal symptoms provided by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NIH),
La Leche League International
Their mission is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education.
Their site was developed to provide evidence-based information on breastfeeding and parenting. The KellyMom community includes both this website and social media outlets.
Mental Health
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Anxiety and Depression Association of America – ADAA
ADAA is a non-profit organization that provides information on the nature of phobias and anxiety disorders and their treatment and assists people in locating treatment in their area.
Over 250 articles and other resources addressing 31+ topics on mental, emotional and social health.
Physical Activity and Nutrition
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Nation’s food and nutrition leader. Find recipes, articles and multimedia learnings tailored specifically to both women and seniors.
National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs
National membership organization working to provide older adults across the country with healthful food and nutrition through community-based services.
Department of Agriculture –
ChooseMyPlate offers free, online tools to help plan and track weight and exercise goals for healthy living.
Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program
Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program provides low-income seniors with coupons that can be exchanged for eligible foods at farmer’s markets, participating roadside stands and community-supported agriculture programs.
National Foundation to End Senior Hunger
Finding innovative solutions to the threat of hunger and malnutrition in our nation’s senior population.
Evidence-based, community-delivered exercise program (formerly Lifetime Fitness) proven to increase strength, boost activity levels, and elevate mood. Certified instructors focus on stretching, flexibility, balance, low impact aerobics, and strength training exercises.
Fit & Strong!
Multi-component, evidence-based physical activity program for older adults. The eight-week program targets older adults with osteoarthritis to reduce arthritis symptoms, and improve balance and joint functionality.
Walk With Ease
Developed by the University of North Carolina for the Arthritis Foundation, this program is proven to reduce the pain of arthritis and improve overall health.
Tobacco and Substance Abuse
Women for Sobriety, Inc.
Women for Sobriety is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women overcome alcoholism and other addictions. They were the first national self-help program for women with alcohol and/or drug addictions.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international fellowship of men and women that have a drinking problem. Find a meeting/group by contacting your local resource.
Alcohol Rehab Guide
Offers information and tools to help guide you through treating alcoholism. Speak with a treatment specialist and get help finding an alcohol rehab facility that’s right for you.
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD)
Learn more about addiction and how to get help overcoming it.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Find out how women’s drinking patterns are different than men’s, how your body reacts differently than a man’s, and the particular health risks you may face as a woman who drinks.
Smokefree Women
Smokefree Women is a national program that provides quitting advice, tips and support specific to women’s needs, including expectant mothers.
Use the Adult Immunization Vaccine Finder to find personalized vaccine recommendations for older adults.
Vaccines For Women Age 50 and Older
Current vaccine recommendations for women age 50 and older, published by The International Conference on Women and Infectious Diseases.
National Vaccine Information Center
The National Vaccine Information Center is a non-profit educational organization advocating for the institution of vaccine safety and informed consent protections in the public health system.
Adult Vaccine Access Coalition
Leaders in health and public health who are committed to improving public information about recommended vaccines and who wish to strengthen and enhance access to adult immunization services across the healthcare system.
End of Life Care
About Assisted Living
Resource for anyone looking for information on placing themselves or a loved one into an assisted living or elder care facility.
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Find hospice care in your area and get more information about upcoming events.
Patient Assistance
Patient Access Network (PAN) Foundation
Provides copayment assistance to underinsured patients with chronic diseases, including breast cancer.
Patient Advocate Foundation
Non-profit providing professional case management services to Americans with chronic, life-threatening, and debilitating illnesses.
Rx Assist
Find information about free and low cost medications through patient assistance programs and learn about other ways to manage your medication costs.
Get help and guidance on obtaining prescription medications for free or at low cost.
Women of Color
Black Women’s Health Imperative (BWHI)
BWHI is a national nonprofit geared specifically towards improving the health and wellness of our nation’s Black women and girls. Find out about the most pressing health issues that affect Black women, and learn strategies to live a longer, healthier life.
SisterLove is a women’s AIDS and reproductive justice nonprofit focusing on women, particularly women of African descent.
Women of Color Health Information Collection, NIH
The Women of Color Health Information collection presents data on race/ethnicity and disease, in order to identify how culture, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic background, and geographic location contribute to the health status of women of color.
The SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective is a coalition of 76 local, regional, and national grassroots organizations and more than 400 individuals working to improve the lives of indigenous women and women of color in the United States.
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
An organization focusing on strong and healthy communities. Find programs and resources to help you better understand your risk factors and stay healthy, happy and active.
National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH)
The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health is social justice organization committed to protecting the right to reproductive health care for Latinas, their families, and their communities.
Native American Women’s Health Education Resource Center
Find information on issues of health, education, land and water rights, and economic development of Native American people. The website’s Resource Center provides links to information on native women’s reproductive rights, educational materials, health reports, and action alerts.
Asian Women for Health
Asian Women for Health (AWFH) is a peer-led, community-based network dedicated to advancing Asian women’s health and wellness through education, advocacy, and support.
National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum
National organization bridging the many issues that confront women of color and their communities. One of their core programs advocates for policy changes to a broad range of sexual and reproductive justice issues that impact the lives of AAPI women.
Statewide Organizations
- Official site of the Alabama Department of Senior Services.
- Listing service with all of the available government and private services for seniors and caregivers to turn to when dealing with the challenges of long-term care.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources and tools to help you become more physically active.
American Cancer Society Alabama
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Susan G. Komen North Central Alabama
- Local Affiliate providing breast health programs and services.
Alabama Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
- Provides free breast and cervical cancer screenings to women who meet eligibility guidelines.
- Resource for Alabama seniors with memory loss and their caregivers.
Alabama Hospice & Palliative Care Organization
- Find information regarding end-of-life care in the state of Alabama.
- Find resources and initiatives designed to prevent disease and encourage a healthy lifestyle.
- Discover statewide aging programs.
American Cancer Society Alaska
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Providence Health & Services Alaska
- Care and services for a variety of diseases and conditions, and health resources for all ages.
- Gynecologic cancer support group.
- Offers weekly support group meetings and annual retreats for women cancer survivors in Alaska.
Women’s Wellness Program, YWCA Alaska
- Access healthcare education, breast and cervical cancer screening, and assistance.
Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska
- Care coordination and education programs and services for Alaskans affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. Connect to support groups statewide.
Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association
- Offers supportive services to persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families in Alaskan communities.
- Find local assistance and information on aging and disability. Site includes links to Arizona programs and services, crisis services and hotlines, caregiver resources, and calendars of various community organizations.
Arizona Department of Health Services
- Access resources and programs for healthy living, including information on cancer, diabetes, heart disease, injury prevention and nutrition.
American Cancer Society Arizona
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Alzheimer’s Association, Arizona Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
- Educational programs for at-risk populations.
- Get help improving your flexibility and balance, and decrease the likelihood of a fall.
- Provider of hospice care in Arizona. Find community resources and no-cost grief support and family caregiver support.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
Arizona Lifelong Fitness Foundation
- Nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and implementing fitness programs and activities for people ages 50 and older. Find Arizona Senior Olympics games closest to you.
Arkansas Department of Health (ADH)
- Resources and local services across the state to help prevent disease and prolong lives.
DHS Division of Aging and Adult Services
- Access all kinds of resources for seniors living in Arkansas, and discover statewide aging programs.
- Facilitates and provides partnerships to reduce the suffering and burden from cancer. Find out if you’re eligible for free breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services from the BreastCare Program .
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer throughout the state of Arkansas.
- Offers heart health education, programs and services, including Diabetes Boot Camps, heart screenings, the Walk With a Doc initiative and peer-to-peer support groups.
California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA)
- Statewide nonprofit organization that unites retired workers and community groups to secure a better future for California retirees.
California Department of Aging
- Discover statewide aging programs.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
American Cancer Society California
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Shades of Pink Foundation California
- Provides financial relief to women with breast cancer during treatment and recovery in the Southern California area.
Albie Aware Breast Cancer Foundation
- Offers prevention education and support to women facing or fighting breast cancer in the Northern California area.
- Find post-surgical products and services while healing from breast cancer, regardless of financial status.
California Hispanic Osteoporosis Foundation (CHOF)
- Provides education, research, advocacy, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in the Hispanic community (California’s fastest-aging population).
California Arthritis Partnership Program (CAPP)
- Provides statewide support and coordination of evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs for people living with arthritis.
Colorado Department of Human Services Division of Aging & Adult Services
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
- Statewide collaborative working to eliminate the burden of cancer in Colorado. Access a broad range of support resources for people in Colorado who have been diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers.
- Grants for cancer patients in active treatment to help meet basic needs. Applicants must be referred by a doctor, social worker, nurse or patient navigator.
Hope Lives! The Lydia Dody Breast Cancer Foundation
- Provides financial support for care such as acupuncture to relieve the pain and nausea associated with chemotherapy and radiation, massage therapy, counseling, yoga, art therapy and more.
- Provides eligible women with access to free or low-cost breast and cervical cancer screening in Colorado.
- Non-profit provider of information and services designed to help seniors remain independent. Serving the Metro Denver area and surrounding communities.
Colorado Visiting Nurse Association
- Colorado’s leading nonprofit health care agency provides services ranging from preventive to recovery to end-of-life care.
State Department On Aging, State of CT
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
American Cancer Society Connecticut
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont and New Hampshire.
- Connects callers to health and human services in their community at no cost.
- Offers free legal help for low-income residents.
Delaware Health Care Commission, Division of Public Health
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs. The Screening for Life program provides coverage of cancer screening tests to qualified Delaware adults.
Alzheimer’s Association, Delaware Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition
- Offers services for survivors of breast cancer and those recently diagnosed. The Women’s Health Screening Van serves communities statewide, providing breast and cervical cancer screenings, blood pressure screenings, cholesterol, glucose testing, and information on healthy lifestyles. Van schedule is available online.
- If you or someone you love is seriously ill, complete a brief needs assessment and get help developing an appropriate plan of care.
- Testing for breast, cervical, prostate, lung and colorectal cancer.
- Providing Delawareans ages 50 and older with financial coaching, benefits access, workshops and retirement planning. Get help mapping out a financial strategy for retirement.
Florida Department of Elder Affairs
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
- Click your area on the map for information on your local Aging and Disability Resource Center.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources and tools to help you become more physically active.
American Cancer Society Florida
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Florida Breast Cancer Foundation
- View statewide resources for breast cancer screening assistance.
- Provides information, education, advocacy, and awareness for people with cancer who are interested in complementary or alternative medicine (CAM) and natural therapies.
- Provides direct financial assistance and emotional support to women fighting breast cancer in Central Florida.
- Outreach program that provides support services and assistance to caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease, free of charge.
Georgia Department of Human Services, Division of Aging
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources and tools to help you become more physically active.
American Cancer Society Georgia
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
- Online cancer information center for Georgia.
- Breast cancer support group for women living in Georgia.
Alzheimer’s Association, Georgia Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
- Offers a range of services that provide home and community-based care to maximize Atlanta seniors’ independence.
Hawaii State Department of Health
- The goal of the Hawaii State Department of Health is to promote the health and well-being of all of Hawaii’s people. Find information on a wide range of health-related topics.
Hawaii Aging & Disability Resource Center
- Information on long-term support and services for seniors and those with disabilities in the state of Hawaii
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources and tools to help you become more physically active.
American Cancer Society Hawaii
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Alzheimer’s Association, Aloha Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
Na Hoaloha - Maui Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers
- Get help with light housekeeping and meal preparation, transportation, respite care, and falls prevention.
- Take the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test to find out if you’re at risk.
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer in Idaho and Montana.
Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Idaho Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources and tools to help you become more physically active.
American Cancer Society Illinois
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Susan G. Komen Chicagoland Area
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer in the state of Illinois.
Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Illinois Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
American Cancer Society Indiana
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Susan G. Komen Central Indiana
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer in the state of Indiana.
Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Indiana Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer in the state of Iowa.
Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Iowa Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
American Cancer Society Kansas
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer in the state of Kansas.
- This program pays for clinical breast exams, mammograms, Pap tests and diagnostic services for women who qualify.
The Race Against Breast Cancer
- Helps pay for a full range of screening/diagnostic mammography services to those who live and work in Northeast Kansas counties and are in need of financial assistance.
- Provides statewide support and coordination of evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs for people living with arthritis.
Kentucky Department for Aging and Independent Living
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
American Cancer Society Kentucky
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer in the state of Kentucky.
Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Kentucky/Southern Indiana Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about the disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
- Provides statewide support and coordination of evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs for people living with arthritis.
Governor’s Office of Elderly Affairs
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
American Cancer Society Louisiana
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Alzheimer’s Association, Louisiana Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
State of Maine Aging & Disability Services
- Find state resources for seniors and discover statewide aging programs.
Health & Human Services Directory
- Search statewide listing of over 5,000 community resources covering topics such as breast cancer, mental health, disability services, volunteering, nutrition, support services and more.
- Use this tool to find out what you can do to improve your health and stay well, and learn where and how to find low cost healthcare services in your area.
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
- The Support Service Fund provides financial assistance for breast cancer related needs to qualified Maine residents. Use the resources list to help find support services, assistance with lifestyle tasks such as housecleaning or transportation, and stay up-to-date on local news and events pertaining to breast health and breast cancer.
Alzheimer’s Association, Maine Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
American Cancer Society Maryland
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Maryland Breast & Cervical Cancer Program
- Provides free breast and cervical cancer screenings, diagnosis and patient services to eligible women across the state.
- The Mammovan mobile mammography unit provides free mammograms to women who otherwise might not have access to screenings.
- Provides programs and services that preserve and foster independence, mobility and quality of life for seniors in Montgomery County.
- Stimulate your mind, body and imagination by joining an artist-led workshop curriculum in your community.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
American Cancer Society Massachusetts
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont and New Hampshire.
Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition
- Offers information about breast cancer, local projects and campaigns, legislative alerts, and provides a calendar of events.
Alzheimer’s Association, Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about Alzheimer’s disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
Michigan Aging & Adult Services Agency
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
- Find local workshops for health self-management, physical activity programs, diabetes prevention and self-management, and arthritis.
Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program (MMAP)
- Get help navigating health care and making health benefits decisions with this free counseling service.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
Michigan Breast Cancer Coalition
- Find information, resources and upcoming local events related to breast health and breast cancer.
- Provides non-medical cost-of-living expenses to qualified breast cancer patients in active treatment.
- Learn about A Matter of Balance and Diabetes PATH, a free community-based program, and find a class near you.
- Provides statewide support and coordination of evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs for people living with arthritis.
Provides a wealth of information on topics such as health care programs, housing, healthy aging, health care directives and more. Use the Senior LinkAge Line for free statewide information and assistance connecting to local services that fit your health care needs.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
Low-Cost Health Resources for Women
- Find information on reliable low-cost health resources, including local clinic hours, sliding costs and clinic contact information.
- Senior resources phone directory and useful links.
- Access local support group listings, mental health screenings and services, and assistance in finding treatment for mental health disorders.
- Cooks and delivers free, nutritious meals to people living with life- threatening illnesses in the Twin Cities.
- Sign up for the Weekly Dish (email newsletter) to receive news, recipes, videos, invitations to special events, announcements and opportunities to support Open Arms.
Mississippi State Department of Health
- Provides a wealth of information and resources on statewide health topics such as health care programs, housing, healthy aging, chronic diseases and more.
- Chronic Disease and Diabetes Self-Management Programs
Mississippi Aging & Adult Services
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
- Statewide campaign for women about heart disease; provides heart-healthy news, recipes, and information about local events and programs.
American Cancer Society Mississippi
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Alzheimer’s Association, Mississippi Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
Department of Health & Senior Services
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
- Offers programs for diabetes prevention and control, and heart disease and stroke.
American Cancer Society Missouri
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer.
- Offers free breast and cervical cancer screenings for Missouri women who meet age, income, and insurance guidelines.
- View a list of resources in the St. Louis metropolitan area that provide services to women for many different situations.
- One-stop source for practical education on almost anything. Read featured articles on a variety of lifestyle and health topics, and find related news, websites, publications and courses.
- Provides statewide support and coordination of evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs for people living with arthritis.
Montana Senior and Long Term Care Division
- Offers a wide variety of program and services for older Montanans, and provides information and assistance to seniors so that they can remain independent and healthy.
- Get help finding housing, protective or legal services, service providers and financial assistance.
- Resource center for people with diabetes and diabetes-related diseases. Learn about diabetes care and prevention, and find local support organizations and events.
American Cancer Society Montana
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Alzheimer’s Association, Montana Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about Alzheimer’s disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
- Provides statewide support and coordination of evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs for people living with arthritis.
Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services - Seniors & Aging
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
American Cancer Society Nebraska
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Alzheimer’s Association, Nebraska Chapter
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about Alzheimer’s disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
- Connect to local resources for improved mental health care and suicide prevention.
Widow and Widowers Support Groups
- Find support groups in Nebraska to help you grieve the loss of of a spouse.
Nebraska State Stroke Association
- Find support groups, educational programs and other resources for seniors and families dealing with stroke and heart disease.
- A community of non-profit organizations dedicated to improving life for aging Americans. Find local events from the Nebraska chapter.
- Provides proactive solutions and caregiving to enhance the well-being and independence of older adults in southeast Nebraska.
Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resource and tools to help you become more physically active.
- Online directory and one-stop connection to the local services you need. Search statewide listing of community resources covering topics such as food services, mental health, disability services, senior services, nutrition, housing, transportation and more.
Dignity Health WomensCare/Outreach Centers
- Offers programs that cover disease management and prevention, screenings and immunizations, fitness, nutrition, wellness, and senior peer counseling.
- Learn how to reduce your risk for developing cancer, find effective treatment and care, and connect with local programs designed to reduce the burden of the disease.
American Cancer Society Nevada
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
First Person Care Clinics Community Health and Wellness Center
- Offers affordable healthcare for medically underserved, uninsured, and underinsured individuals. Clinic services include initial screening for breast cancer with referrals for mammography, Pap test for cervical cancer and HPV screening, and colorectal cancer screening.
- Check out upcoming events and find local resources committed to raising awareness and reducing the impact of arthritis.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont and New Hampshire.
New Hampshire Services for Seniors
- A list of services and resources for seniors offered by the state government of New Hampshire.
- A program from the New Hampshire Breast Cancer Coalition that provides free screenings for breast and cervical cancer for women who meet income and insurance requirements.
New Jersey
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
New Jersey Division of Aging Services
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs
American Cancer Society New Jersey
- Find local programs, services and community events to help you manage cancer treatment and recovery.
Mama Mare Breast Cancer Foundation
- A support and advocacy organization for women with breast cancer. Join in on local events and projects.
New Jersey Healthcare Services for Senior Citizens
- A list of services offered to seniors in New Jersey offered by the state government.
New Mexico
- Osteoporosis support group.
New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department
- Access state resources for seniors, and discover statewide aging programs.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
- A program that offers free or low-cost screenings for breast and cervical cancer for women who meet certain income requirements.
Osteoporosis Foundation of New Mexico
- Find resources and support for those living with Osteoporosis in New Mexico.
Arthritis Foundation New Mexico
- Provides statewide support and coordination of evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs for people living with arthritis.
New York
New York State Office for the Aging
- Program information and educational resources for aging adults living in New York.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
Bone and Osteoporosis Resources Columbia University
- Learn more about bone health and how to reduce your risk of osteoporosis from the experts at Columbia University.
New York State Breast Cancer Support and Education Network (NYSBCSEN)
- A statewide network of breast cancer organizations in New York. Find services and resources across the state.
Geriatric Mental Health New York Office of Mental Health
- Learn more about the mental health status of aging New Yorkers or find resources and information about getting assistance for seniors from this government website.
American Diabetes Association New York
- Get relevant and helpful resources about diabetes and learn about the happenings of the local chapter of this national organization.
- Provides statewide support and coordination of evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs for people living with arthritis.
North Carolina
- Focuses on connecting older adults with evidence-based programs in the areas of Fall Prevention and Chronic Disease Self-Management.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources in Guilford and Wake county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
- Provides financial assistance to uninsured and underinsured North Carolinians with breast cancer to help pay for necessary, life-saving treatment and care.
- Provides women in the breast cancer community with information, support and assistance.
WakeMed Adult Diabetes Management Program
- Offers inpatient and outpatient services and programs to meet the needs of those diagnosed with diabetes and prediabetes.
- Find resource lists and local senior center events calendars.
- Offers caring programs and bereavement services to those that need them.
North Dakota
North Dakota Adult and Aging Services
- Services for aging adults in North Dakota from the state.
- A coalition of partners from across North Dakota who work to lower cancer rates in the state. Find links to resources and information about finding providers near you.
- A program operated by the State Department of Health to encourage people to get screened for different types of cancer.
Arthritis Foundation North Dakota
- A community page for events and happenings in the North Dakota chapter of the Arthritis Foundation.
North Dakota Diabetes Prevention and Control Program
- State program focusing on diabetes prevention and awareness. Get helpful resources and learn more about diabetes in South Dakota.
- Resources from the state government about services available to seniors in Ohio.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active
- Local chapter information from the National Arthritis Organization.
Central Ohio Diabetes Association
- Find relevant information and upcoming events in Ohio from this community-based organization of local physicians working to educate the public about diabetes.
Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services
- Information for older adults about maintaining mental health and dealing with unique issues that arise with age.
Aging Services - Oklahoma Department of Human Services
- A state assistance program that supports senior independence and provides resources for a wide range of services.
Susan G. Komen Central and Western Oklahoma
- Information and resources from the Oklahoma chapter of the national breast cancer awareness and fundraising organization.
INTEGRIS Hospital Women’s Health Resources
- Resources for women who have been affected by women’s cancers. Check out the rest of the site for more information about health care services at this large network of hospitals.
Arthritis Organization Oklahoma
- Learn about upcoming events and state advocacy from the Oklahoma chapter of the Arthritis foundation.
Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
- State information tailored to aging adults about mental health and substance abuse issues specific to an older demographic. Get help and find resources.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
Oregon Services for Seniors & People with Disabilities
- Get information about state programs for seniors, including in-home support, long-term care and independent living services.
- Find resources for women and families dealing with a diagnosis of women’s cancer, including breast, ovarian and cervical cancers.
Alzheimer's Organization Oregon Chapter
- Local events and news about Alzheimer’s in Oregon from a global organization that works to support people living with the disease.
American Diabetes Association Oregon Chapter
- Community information about diabetes in Oregon from the American Diabetes Association. Find resources or sign up to volunteer.
- Provides statewide support and coordination of evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs for people living with arthritis.
Pennsylvania Department of Aging
- Find local program centers and other services offered to seniors in Pennsylvania. Find resources and help with housing, insurance, meals, prescriptions, caregiver support and more.
Philadelphia Corporation for Aging
- Find services in Philadelphia to help you live a more comfortable and independent life. Also check out the opportunities for active seniors on the services page.
W Connection: Widows Helping Widows
- Find solace and strength amongst other widows in this Philadelphia support group. Find out more about the chapter here.
Alzheimer's Association of Greater Pennsylvania
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about the disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
American Diabetes Association Pennsylvania
- Find national resources about preventing and living with diabetes or learn more about local events in Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
Pennsylvania Arthritis Program
- Provides statewide support and coordination of evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs for people living with arthritis.
- Provides safe, compassionate, and confidential reproductive health care services including abortion, birth control, and gynecological care.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Division of Elderly Affairs
- State government material about programs, services and educational resources for the aging population of Rhode Island.
Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont and New Hampshire.
Women’s Cancer Screening Program
- Get access to free breast and cervical cancer screenings if you meet income and insurance eligibility requirements.
Osteoporosis Women & Infants Hospital
- Get information about bone health and learn more about keeping bones healthy over time.
- A non-profit psychiatric hospital in Rhode Island that serves adults and seniors. Learn more about conditions and services offered or find a provider in your area.
Rhode Island Arthritis Program
- Provides statewide support and coordination of evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs for people living with arthritis.
South Carolina
South Carolina Office on Aging
- Find agencies, services and educational resources for older adults in South Carolina.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
- Provides free breast and cervical cancer screenings to eligible women who meet the income and insurance status requirements.
South Carolina Cancer Alliance
- A non-profit organization that works to ease the burden of cancer on the lives of South Carolinians. Get information on local events and cancer resources, or volunteer to help educate for the cause.
South Carolina Department of Mental Health
- Find news and information related to services, resources and treatment facilities for mental health in the Palmetto State.
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
- Get tailored health information about a wide range of diseases and conditions that affect adults in South Carolina, including cancer, arthritis, diabetes and heart disease.
South Carolina Arthritis Program
- Provides statewide support and coordination of evidence-based self-management and physical activity programs for people living with arthritis.
South Dakota
Adult and Aging Services South Dakota
- Find medical providers and community based services in South Dakota. Check out the additional links for useful resources.
- A program that offers hot, nutritious meals during the week to seniors who are homebound or need assistance. Get companionship and affordable food through this South Dakota non-profit.
- A state program that offers eligible women free Pap smears and mammograms through their health care provider.
ElderCare Resources South Dakota
- Get information about your health as you age, as well as educational resources, local event details and expert advice about issues affecting South Dakota’s aging community.
Find Mental Health Services by County
- This interactive map from the Department of Social Services can help you locate a mental health professional for your needs anywhere in South Dakota.
Tennessee Commission on Aging & Disability
- Check out the Tennessee for a Lifetime page for videos on a variety of aging-related topics, including Medicare, Healthy Diet Basics, Alzheimer’s and End-of-Life Care.
Tennessee Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
The Gift Initiative (Alive Hospice)
- A community education initiative that recognizes the need for more advanced planning for serious illness and hospice (end-of-life) care.
Tennessee Breast Cancer Coalition
- Local events and educational resources from a community group dedicated to ending breast cancer.
Tennessee Department of Health Osteoporosis
- State government information about osteoporosis prevention and treatment throughout Tennessee.
Mental Health Programs for Seniors
- Contact information about services and programs that support the mental health needs of older adults in Tennessee.
- A program for women who are uninsured or underinsured. Find out if you’re eligible for free breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services through the program.
Texas Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
- Education & Support Group for those affected by osteoporosis.
- Find local events and programs to support arthritis research and community awareness.
- Resources for education and prevention of joint diseases associated with aging, including arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, bone cancer and osteoporosis.
- A statewide non-partisan advocacy coalition that works to advance the health and status of women in Utah.
- Information about screenings, healthy living and cancer awareness for people living in Utah. Find local programs and community resources.
Statewide Bereavement Resources
- A list of grief support groups and organizations available throughout Utah, including location and contact information.
- Local affiliates creating awareness campaigns and fundraising projects for breast cancer support and research throughout the state.
University of Utah Health Care Osteoporosis
- Information from the University of Utah hospital system about understanding, preventing and treating osteoporosis.
- Public forum of support for those living with osteoporosis.
Vermont Adult Mental Health Services
- A statewide site for mental health services and programs offered to residents of Vermont.
- Local Affiliate providing funding, support and educational awareness to women with breast cancer in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont and New Hampshire.
- This list from The University of Vermont Medical Center shows when various support groups meet across the state. Groups focus on issues ranging from Alzheimer's to cancer support.
- A comprehensive list of women’s organizations in Vermont with contact information.
Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation
- The VBCF website is full of useful information about breast cancer, including where to find help locally and how to get involved with advocacy and community events.
Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
- The program offers early detection services to Virginia’s underserved women, particularly elderly, low-income and minority women.
National Osteoporosis Foundation
- This national organization is headquartered in Arlington, VA. Here you can find helpful information about living with osteoporosis and explore treatment options.
Virginia Division for the Aging
- Find services and find links about aging in the state of Virginia. Check out the page on the No Wrong Door program, which aims to support the long-term care of older and disabled adults.
- A community of men and women ranging from their 20s to their 80s looking for support dealing with the loss of a spouse. Groups are located throughout Virginia.
Washington Breast, Cervical and Colon Health Program
- A program that provides free breast, cervical and colon cancer screenings to low-income and underinsured people throughout Washington state.
Washington Osteoporosis Coalition
- The organization raises awareness about osteoporosis through education and public activity. Its site offers resources and local event listings for people looking to learn more or get involved.
Washington Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
Alzheimer’s Association of Washington
- Local events, support groups and resources about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about disease in your community or volunteer for an event.
- A grief-support community that provides resources and assistance to people dealing with the loss of a loved one.
Washington State Diabetes Connection
- Learn more about diabetes and find information about programs and events throughout Washington State.
Oral Health for Older Adults - Washington State Department of Health
- Get tips on maintaining oral health and find resources about topics ranging from dental sealants to fluoride levels in your drinking water.
Older Women’s League of Seattle/King County
- A community organization of older women that provides local resources for aging women in the Seattle area. Join the chapter or find information about aging and disability services, end of life care, housing, shelters and more.
West Virginia
West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program
- A state-funded program that provides free and low-cost screenings to uninsured or underinsured women.
Arthritis Foundation West Virginia
- West Virginia has the highest prevalence of arthritis in the United States. Find resources for living with arthritis and get involved with events in your area.
- West Virginia University compiled resources for gardeners living with Arthritis throughout the state.
- Find information on hotlines and other programs that provide help and services to aging LGBT people in West Virginia.
- This guide from SeniorCare provides helpful statistics about how seniors live throughout West Virginia. Compare health care, housing, demographics or financial statistics or find contact information for your local government agencies.
- Wisconsin Department of Health Services provides free and low-cost health screenings for women. The page contains community resources and eligibility information.
Wisconsin Women’s Health Initiative Strong & Healthy (WHISH)
- Find statewide resources, and resources by county, with tools to help you become more physically active.
- Community events and fundraising for breast cancer research in Wisconsin.
Mental Health America of Wisconsin
- A community-based non-profit centered on wellness advocacy and education. This page on older adults offers information about caregiving as well as living with mental illness later in life.
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
- Find your local Aging and Disability Resource Center, which provides information and resources about a broad range of topics related to aging or living with a disability.
Wisconsin Institute of Healthy Aging
- Find information about programs and workshops in your area to help you live well and age healthier. It offers workshops addressing several wellness topics, including living with diabetes, reducing your risk of falling and caregiving for others.
Wyoming Department of Health Cancer Center
- A government page with resources for people in Wyoming with cancer.
Wyoming Department of Health Aging Division
- Government resources for aging populations in Wyoming
Breast, Cervical and Colorectal Cancer Screenings
- Access free screenings for eligible women in Wyoming. Free screenings are available for low-income women and those who are underinsured or uninsured.