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Choosing between Medigap Plan F and G

Christian Worstell

by Christian Worstell | Published October 16, 2023 | Reviewed by John Krahnert

Medigap Plan F is the only Medigap plan that provides coverage for all 9 benefit areas. However, Plan F is not available to Medicare beneficiaries who became eligible for Medicare on or after January 1, 2020. 

If you are unable to get Plan F, Plan G provides similar coverage, and usually has lower monthly premiums.

One primary difference is that Medigap Plan F includes coverage for the Medicare Part B deductible. Medigap Plan G does not include this coverage.

The Medicare Part B deductible is $240 per year in 2024. 

If you're getting a quote for Medigap Plan F, it may be smart to also get a quote for Plan G. If the Plan F monthly premium is at least $19 higher than the Plan G monthly premium, you would be overpaying for the Part B deductible coverage, and Plan G may be the better deal.

Comparing plan benefits and cost

When comparing Medigap plans, benefits and premiums are two of the most important deciding factors.

Benefit differences

Both Medigap Plan G and Plan F provide high levels of coverage. The only Medigap benefit not included in Plan G is the Medicare Part B deductible. The following chart shows which Medigap plan covers the available benefits.

Medicare Supplement benefits F G
Part A hospital care co-insurance & costs
Part A hospice care co-insurance or co-payment
Part B co-insurance or co-payment
First 3 pints of blood
Part A deductible
Part A skilled nursing care co-insurance
Part B deductible  
Part B excess charges
Foreign travel emergency

Cost differences

If you want a high-coverage Medigap plan, you should get a quote for both Plan F and Plan G since one plan may be less expensive.

For example, let's say you get a quote for both plans and the Plan F premium is $30 more per month than the Plan G premium. If you pay $30 more a month to have Medigap Plan F instead of Plan G, you'd be paying an extra $360 a year for an extra $240 in coverage (Part B deductible in 2024).

Keep in mind that the price gap between Plan F and Plan G will vary. The prices you are quoted will differ depending on the insurance company and your personal details.

On a national scale, Medigap Plan G is less expensive than Plan F, but premiums can vary widely depending on the insurance company and the state in which you live.

Despite the fact that Medigap Plan G can potentially save Medicare beneficiaries hundreds of dollars per year, more people choose Plan F compared to Plan G.

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