Medicare 101
5 Reasons to Choose a Medigap Plan
Original Medicare can help cover many of your health-related costs, but not all of them. In fact, it only offers about 80% coverage. Luckily, there are other options available that help cover more expenses. Medicare Supplement Insurance, or Medigap, helps with those costs that Original Medicare does not. It may be overwhelming to think about what Medicare plan best fits your needs, but it should be no question that there is a Medigap plan fit for you. Check out these five great reasons why you should choose Medigap:
1. Medigap gives you coverage that Original Medicare doesn’t offer
The "gap" in Medigap – these plans are designed to provide you with additional Medicare coverage and bridge those financial healthcare gaps. Medigap works to cover more of your medical costs, such as deductibles, copayments and coinsurance, so you don’t have to pay for them out of your own pocket. For example, Original Medicare requires you to pay for the first three pints of blood for transfusions and will cover additional blood. Medigap will either fully or partially cover your first three pints. Also, many Medigap plans will fully cover the Part A deductible, which is currently $1632 in 2024.
2. There are a unique variety of options
With Medigap, there are 10 varying plans you can choose from, all of which have different variations of benefits. The plans are standardized, meaning that each state offers the same benefit packages for each plan, though costs may vary. The variety each plan offers allows for a more customized, fit-for-your-specific-needs plan.
3. Medigap offers nationwide coverage
You don’t have to worry about not getting accepted when seeking services. Medicare and Medigap work in tandem to pay both their share of medical costs. Each plan of Medigap offers full or partial coverage of Medicare Part A and Part B coinsurance or copay costs. With this, you can visit any doctor that accepts Medicare in the U.S. There is also no need to delay your health services with a referral for specialist visits.
4. Medigap goes with you beyond the U.S.
Most Medigap plans will cover emergency care received when traveling abroad. Medicare will only cover foreign emergency care under limited circumstances, so you would most likely be expected to cover those costs while traveling. With foreign emergency travel coverage, you can count on up to 80% coverage from most Medigap plans.
5. More Predictable Budgeting
By enrolling in Medigap, you will know exactly what your monthly premium costs are. Typically, you can expect to pay fewer out-of-pocket expenses than what your Medigap premium is. Additionally, all 10 Medigap plans offer some sort of coverage for Part A and Part B coinsurance or copay. Knowing what is being covered and having a fixed premium amount can help when budgeting and saving each month.
Having the most coverage possible is important when dealing with medical expenses. While some plans are more popular than others, there may be a plan that can fit your needs and budget. If you would like more reasons and information to choose a Medigap plan that works for you, chat with a licensed insurance agent today to see what plan best suits your needs: 1-800-995-4219

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